Well i like to share some code that i worked on, for a school. It goal was to show the power of pointers.
1: #include <string.h>2: #include <stdio.h>3: #include <stdlib.h>4: #include <ctype.h>5: #include <windows.h>6: #include <conio.h>7: #include <iostream>8: #define LOCATE(r, c) GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &csbiInfo);csbiInfo.dwCursorPosition.X = c;csbiInfo.dwCursorPosition.Y = r; SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), csbiInfo.dwCursorPosition);9:10: //Used to chnage console collors in windows11: CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbiInfo;12: HANDLE hStdin = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);13: HANDLE hStdout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);14:15: using namespace std;16:17: void paintScreen(int years), moveData(int *loca, char *buffer, float **table), moveLoc(int *loc, int year, char dir), viewTable(float **table, int *year);18: double findTotal(float **, int);19: void printCollumTotal(float **table, int *year);20: double findCollumTotal(float *table, int *year);21: float **dArray( int nRows, int nCols);22:23:24: int main()25: {26: int loc[] = {0,0}, year = 0, i=0; //loc is the x,y loc on table, year numver of rows, i index in buffer27: bool breakVar = 0; //used to brak to the outer while loop, on halt28: unsigned char c;//input char 0-25629: static char charBuffer[11];//buffer for imput string30:31: system("CLS");32: puts("How many years do you want to enter? ");33: scanf("%i",&year);34: float **ppTable = dArray(year, 5); //makes the array/table35:36: paintScreen(year);37:38: while(!breakVar)39: {40: i=0;41: charBuffer[0] = '\0';42: while(!((c=getch()) == 9 || c == 13 || c == 224 || c == 'Q' || c == 'P' || c == 'V'))43: {44: if(*(loc + 1) == 0)45: {46: if(c>='0' && c <= '9')47: {48: charBuffer[i++]=c;49: putch(c);50: if(i == 4)51: {52: charBuffer[i]='\0';53: moveData(loc,charBuffer,ppTable);54: moveLoc(loc,year,'R');55: i=0;56: break;57: }58: }59: }60: else61: {62: if(c>='0' && c <= '9' || c == '.')63: {64: charBuffer[i++]=c;65: putch(c);66: if(i == 10)67: {68: charBuffer[i]='\0';69: moveData(loc,charBuffer,ppTable);70: printCollumTotal(ppTable,&year);71: moveLoc(loc,year,'R');72: i = 0;73: break;74: }75: }76: }77:78: if(c==8)79: {80: putchar(8);81: i--;82: }83: }84: if(c == 9)85: {86: charBuffer[i]='\0';87: moveData(loc,charBuffer,ppTable);88: printCollumTotal(ppTable,&year);89: moveLoc(loc,year,'R');90: }91: else if(c == 13)92: {93: charBuffer[i]='\0';94: moveData(loc,charBuffer,ppTable);95: printCollumTotal(ppTable,&year);96: moveLoc(loc,year,'D');97: }98: else if(c == 224)99: {100: c = getch();101: if(c == 72)//up arrow102: {103: charBuffer[i]='\0';104: moveData(loc,charBuffer,ppTable);105: printCollumTotal(ppTable,&year);106: moveLoc(loc,year,'U');107: }108: else if(c == 75)//left109: {110: charBuffer[i]='\0';111: moveData(loc,charBuffer,ppTable);112: printCollumTotal(ppTable,&year);113: moveLoc(loc,year,'L');114: }115: else if(c == 80)//down116: {117: charBuffer[i]='\0';118: moveData(loc,charBuffer,ppTable);119: printCollumTotal(ppTable,&year);120: moveLoc(loc,year,'D');121: }122: else if(c == 77)//right123: {124: charBuffer[i]='\0';125: moveData(loc,charBuffer,ppTable);126: printCollumTotal(ppTable,&year);127: moveLoc(loc,year,'R');128: }129: }130: else if(c == 'Q')131: {132: breakVar = 1;133: continue;134: }135: else if(c == 'V')136: {137: viewTable(ppTable,&year);138: breakVar = 1;139: continue;140: }141: else if(c == 'P')142: {143: breakVar = 1;144: continue;145: }146:147: }148:149: delete [] *ppTable;150: delete [] ppTable;151: return 1;152: }153:154: float **dArray( int nRows, int nCols)155: {156: float **ppi;157: float *pool;158: float *curPtr;159: //(step 1) allocate memory for array of elements of column160:161: ppi = new float*[nRows];162:163: //(step 2) allocate memory for array of elements of each row164: pool = new float [nRows * nCols];165:166: // Now point the pointers in the right place167: curPtr = pool;168: for( int i = 0; i < nRows; i++)169: {170: *(ppi + i) = curPtr;171: curPtr += nCols;172: }173: for( int i = 0; i < nRows; i++)174: {175: for(int j=0;j <nCols; j++)176: {177: *(*(ppi + i)+j) = 0;178: }179: }180:181: return ppi;182: }183:184: void paintScreen(int years)185: {186: system("CLS");187: LOCATE(2,28);188: puts("Data Entry Forum");189: LOCATE(5,0);190: puts("YEAR");191: LOCATE(5,13);192: puts("QUARTER 1");193: LOCATE(5,32);194: puts("QUARTER 2");195: LOCATE(5,51);196: puts("QUARTER 3");197: LOCATE(5,70);198: puts("QUARTER 4");199: for(int i = 6; i < years + 8; i++)200: {201: for(int j = 12; j<70; j+=19)202: {203: LOCATE(i,j);204: if(i == years + 7)205: {206: puts("|");207: }208: else209: {210: puts("$");211: }212: }213: }214: LOCATE(6 + years,0);215: for(int i = 0; i < 80; i++)216: {217: putch('-');218: }219: LOCATE(7 + years,0);220: puts("TOTAL:");221: LOCATE(9 + years,0);222: puts("Press Q at any time to Quit, V to view data reports, P to print");223: LOCATE(6,0);224: }225: void moveData(int *loc, char *buffer, float **table)226: {227: if(strlen(buffer)!=0) //checks if it is already empty228: {229: *(*(table + *loc) + *(loc + 1)) = atof(buffer); //wont wipe out old data, if empty230: strcpy(buffer,"");231: }232: }233: void moveLoc(int *loc, int year, char dir)234: {235: if(dir == 'U')236: {237: if(*loc > 0)238: {239: *loc = *loc - 1;240: }241:242: }243: else if(dir == 'R')244: {245: if(*(loc + 1) > 4)246: {247: *(loc + 1) = 0;248: *loc = *loc + 1;249: }250: else251: {252: *(loc + 1) = *(loc + 1) + 1;253: }254: }255: else if(dir == 'D')256: {257: if(*loc < year - 1)258: {259: *loc = *loc + 1;260: }261: }262: else if(dir == 'L')263: {264: if(*(loc + 1) > 0)265: {266: *(loc + 1) = *(loc + 1) - 1;267: }268: }269:270: if(*(loc + 1)== 1)271: {272: LOCATE(6 + *loc,13);273: }274: else if(*(loc + 1)== 0)275: {276: LOCATE(6 + *loc,0);277: }278: else279: {280: LOCATE(6 + *loc,*(loc + 1)*19 - 6);281: }282: }283: double findTotal(float *aArray, int aNum)284: {285: double total = 0;286: for(int i=1; i <= aNum; i++)287: {288: total += *(aArray + i);289: }290: return total;291: }292: double findCollumTotal(float *table, int *year)293: {294: double total = 0;295: for(int i = 0; i < *year; i++)296: {297: total += *(table + 5 * i);298: }299: return total;300: }301: void viewTable(float **table, int *year)302: {303: double grandTotal = 0;304: system("CLS");305: puts("YEAR\tQ1\t\tQ2\t\tQ3\t\tQ4\t\tTOTAL");306: for(int i = 0; i < *year; i++)307: {308: printf("%-4.0f\t",*(*(table + i)));309: for(int j = 1; j < 6; j++)310: {311: if(j==5)312: {313: grandTotal+=findTotal(*(table + i),4);314: printf("%-10.2f\t",findTotal(*(table + i),4));315: }316: else317: {318: printf("%-10.2f\t",*(*(table + i) + j));319: }320: }321: printf("\n\r");322: }323: printf("\n\rTOTAL\t");324: for(int j = 1; j<=5; j++)325: {326: {327: if(j==5)328: {329: printf("%-10.2f",grandTotal);330: }331: else332: {333: printf("%-10.2f\t",findCollumTotal(*table + j,year));334: }335: }336: }337: printf("\n\rAVERAGE\t");338: for(int j = 1; j<5; j++)339: {340: {341: printf("%-10.2f\t",(findCollumTotal(*table + j,year)/(*year)));342: }343: }344: printf("\n\r");345: printf("\n\rYearly AVERAGE: %-10.2f\n\r", grandTotal/(*year));346: system("Pause");347: }348: void printCollumTotal(float **table, int *year)349: {350: LOCATE(*year +7,13)351: for(int i = 0; i <67; i++)352: {353: printf(" ");354: }355: for(int j = 0; j<4; j++)356: {357: LOCATE(*year + 7,j*19+12);358: {359: printf("|%-10.2f",findCollumTotal(*table + (j+1),year));360: }361: }362: }
Now that is some excellent light reading! Once you get past the first line its hard to stop...really grabs your attention.
this is my favorite part.
Void...()*&^%$# L **9&^////void
love it!
haha jk
Good code, I have to try it out.
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